Calylophus hartwegii fendleri |
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Fendler's Sundrops |
Woody perennial shrub/groundcover 1.5' tall by 3' wide. Creamy yellow 1" flowers spring thru fall, summer blooming will drop off. Evergreen low desert but hard frost will die back to ground. Spreads by rhizomes. Can do well in containers. Full Sun or some shade. Prefers good drainage. Leaves are narrow. Cut back periodically to regenerate growth & flowers. Flowers open morning yellow turning orange & pink as they die. Tx.,NM,Az,Mx 4500-7000' grasslands and mtns.
Plant Type
Shrub, Ground cover, Perennial
Height Range
Under 1', 1-3'
Flower Color
Flower Season
Spring, Summer, Fall
Leaf Color
Green, Light Green
Bark Color
Fruit Color
Fruit Season
Check the soil's moisture level before watering.
You can reduce your water use 20-50% by regularly checking the soil before watering.